The Almaty Film Festival „Shaken’s Stars” is the annual film event that takes place in Almaty since 2002. During the festival dozens of films made by young directors, students and debitants are screened in three competition sections. Festival, that in the last nine years sucessfully entered into the programme of the city’s cutural events, is organized as a tribute to the memory of Shaken Aimanov, patriarch of the Kazach cinematography, distinguished actor and film director, whose creative activity has been internationally acknowledged.
„Hanoi-Warsaw” directed by Katarzyna Klimkiewicz was awarded the best short film in the „Film of the youth” competition. Film shows the story of the young Vietnameese Mai Anh, who comes to Warsaw with the group of the illegal emigrants that were brought to Poland for various reasons. Here begins her struggle for survival, dignity and relationship with her boyfriend living in Poland for some time on.
Film was produced by television channel Kino Polska in cooperation with Mastershot Studio, Association1,2 Film, Katarzyna Klimkiewicz and Polish Filmmakers Association Munk Studio.
More information about the festival can be found here.