The documentary film „Little Bride” by Lesław Dobrucki – screened at the festival in Karlovy Vary in Czech Republic, Era New Horizons in Wrocław in Poland or Dokufest in Kosovo – in the first part of October were shown and, what is more, awarded at the Vilnius Film Shorts Festival.

Vil­nius Film Shorts is a par­tic­u­lar film fes­ti­val in Lithua­nia, which gives the op­por­tu­nity for the Lithuan­ian au­di­ence to watch de­buts not only of the stu­dents but also of the in­no­v­a­tive in­de­pen­dent young film­mak­ers. This year Vil­nius Film Shorts will be held for the 5th time, from 7th to 10th of Oc­to­ber. The fes­ti­val pro­gramme con­sisted of dif­fer­ent short film forms – doc­u­men­taries, an­i­mated and fic­tion films as well as ex­per­i­men­tal.

At the Vil­nius Film Shorts the Pol­ish doc­u­men­tary “Lit­tle Bride” by Lesław Do­brucki, pro­duced by An­drzej Wajda Mas­ter School Film of Di­rect­ing, re­ceived the Sec­ond Prize in the in­ter­na­tional com­pe­ti­tion.

The film touches the prob­lem of ubiq­ui­tous vi­o­lence to the women, which is taboo in the Turk­ish com­mu­ni­ties. The young Turk­ish girl had been sent to Ger­many and given in mar­riage when she was 13 years old. Then, the hell in her life started. She had been beaten and mal­treated by her hus­band for a long time, till she run away from him. Now she has to be in hid­ing and thanks to this she can telling her true story.

Lesław Do­brucki grad­u­ated from the Fac­ulty of Graphic Arts of the Acad­emy of Fine Arts in War­saw (diploma in the An­i­ma­tion Stu­dio of Pro­fes­sor Daniel Szczechura in 1988) and of a doc­u­men­tary film course at the An­drzej Wajda Mas­ter School of Film Di­rect­ing. He is an au­thor of an­i­mated (Morder­czy Kiełek kon­tra Gi­gakotek – 1998), semi‑doc­u­men­tary (Zęboludy – 2006) and doc­u­men­tary films (Ekipa – 2007, a co‑au­thor of Kilka mniejszych wygranych – 2008).

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