"Milky Brother," short fiction film by Vahram Mkhitaryan, was awarded the Lessinia d'Argento statuette for the best directing at the Festival della Lessinia. The director collected the award in person.

Vahram Mkhitaryan can boast yet another award. At the Italian Festival della Lessinia, which ended on August 30, his fiction film "Milky Brother" was honoured with the Lessinia d'Argento award for the best directing. This is all the more greater honour taking into account the fact that normally this award is given to feature-length films, but this year the jury decided to make an exception and award a short film. Vahram Mkhitaryan was the guest of the Festival della Lessinia and collected the statuette in person.

Festival della Lessinia is the only festival in Italy dedicated exclusively to mountain films. It has been organised for over twenty years, and it is held in a small mountain town of Bosco Chiesanuova in the north of Italy. This year, the festival jury included: Maryse Bergonzat (France), Linda Cottino (Italy), Skule Eriksen (Norway), Dimitris Koutsiabasakos (Greece) and Michael Pause (Germany).

"Milky Brother" is a story of a little boy called Seto, who lives in a small village in Armenia. Soon, a new member of the family is to be born. Seto dreams about a baby brother, but the newborn baby dies. Instead of a little brother, a lamb appears in the boy's life. Initial dislike quickly turns into liking – and friendship is born between Seto and the lamb. Unfortunately, not for long. The decision of the family means that the boy has to say goodbye to his "milky brother."

The full list of the films awarded at the Festival della Lessinia can be found on the festival's website.