November, as every year, marks a peak of autumnal season. This month, Polish films will be presented at over 40 international film festivals. Ahead of us, there are over 70 screenings.

 This month, the scene is def­i­nitely dom­i­nated by short fic­tion films. In No­vem­ber Span­ish fes­ti­vals proved par­tic­u­larly wel­com­ing for Pol­ish films. Let us start off with “The Ham­ster” by Bartek Ignaciuk that will be rep­re­sent­ing Poland dur­ing the La Cab­ina fes­ti­val in Va­len­cia, while “Ziegenort” by Tomek Popakul will be com­pet­ing for the lau­rels of one of Eu­rope’s old­est fes­ti­vals – Gijón Film Fes­ti­val, which this year will be held for the 51st time. The only Pol­ish film in the com­pe­ti­tion of the 43rd Alcalá de Henares Film Fes­ti­val (AL­CINE), which starts today, will be a doc­u­men­tary “Ro­ga­lik” by Paweł Ziemil­ski. Three Pol­ish films will be shown at the Zinebi In­ter­na­tional Fes­ti­val (“Rondo”, “Ex animo” and “The Whis­tle”), Filmets-​ Badalona Film Fes­ti­val (“Lost Senses”, “Pa­per­box”, “Wa­ter­melon”) and also at the fes­ti­val and an­i­ma­tion mar­ket 3D Wire in Segovia ("Dar­ling”, “Ab ovo”, “Beach”).

Two etudes made by stu­dents of Radio and Tele­vi­sion Fac­ulty Uni­ver­sity of Sile­sia in Ka­tow­ice – “All Souls’ Day” by Alek­san­dra Terpińska and “Our Bad Win­ter” by Grze­gorz Zariczny were in­vited to par­tic­i­pate in the screen­ing of French Se­quence Short Film Fes­ti­val, which will begin on No­vem­ber 22nd. It is worth men­tion­ing that this month etudes by stu­dents of Radio and Tele­vi­sion Fac­ulty will wan­der up to the dis­tant Is­land. In the North­ern Wave Fes­ti­val com­pe­ti­tion four films will be screened – “To war we go” by Krzysztof Ka­sior, “Boo!” by Ko­r­dian Kądziela, “Echo” by Marcin Fil­ipow­icz and al­ready men­tioned “All Souls’ Day” by Alek­san­dra Terpińska. Fes­ti­val will be held be­tween 15th to 17th No­vem­ber.

For the first time, Mar­tin Rath’s most re­cent film “Arena” is mak­ing its debut at the Irish Cork Film Fes­ti­val. Rath – the stu­dent of The Pol­ish Na­tional Film, Tele­vi­sion and The­atre School is the au­thor of last year’s most pop­u­lar short film doc­u­men­tary – “Writ­ten in Ink”. In the mean­time in Eng­lish Leeds In­ter­na­tional Film Fes­ti­val an­other stu­dent film – “The Mother” by Łukasz Os­tal­ski will com­pete for the awards among other most cel­e­brated short films.

Four films were qual­i­fied to the com­pe­ti­tion of 25th Is­tan­bul Short Film Fes­ti­val. One will get the chance of watch­ing four films in total – an­i­mated “Rondo” (A. Ko­r­das) and “The Rail­way Watch­man” (P. Szczepanow­icz) as well as two fic­tion films – “All Souls’ Day” (A. Terpińska) and “Wa­ter­melon” (T. Kotetishvili). We will find out who the lau­re­ates are on No­vem­ber 27th dur­ing the clos­ing cer­e­mony. The lat­ter among the men­tioned films – “Wa­ter­melon” –  will also be shown at the Brest Eu­ro­pean Short Film Fes­ti­val, which this year will be held for the 28th time. Mean­while, on the same dates – be­tween 12 and 17 No­vem­ber 28th Berlin in­ter­film fes­ti­val will be held. This year three films – “Danse macabre”, “Lost senses” and ”Dar­ling” – will be com­pet­ing for the title of the Best An­i­mated Film of the in­ter­na­tional com­pe­ti­tion. This year, four Pol­ish films were in­vited to enter a com­pe­ti­tion of Sleep­walk­ers In­ter­na­tional FF held  at the same dates. Those, apart from the al­ready men­tioned “Arena” by Mar­tin Rath were also “Ro­ga­lik” by Paweł Ziemil­ski, “Wa­ter­melon” by Tato Kotetishvili and “The Whis­tle” by Grze­gorz Zariczny. The fes­ti­val ends on No­vem­ber 22nd.

Also in Poland, dur­ing Camer­im­age in By­d­goszcz one will watch Pol­ish films tak­ing part in the In­ter­na­tional Stu­dents Etudes Com­pe­ti­tion. On the com­pet­ing films’ list are “Magma” by Paweł Maślona, “Killing Aun­tie” by Ma­teusz Głowacki (both of them pro­duced by the Radio and Tele­vi­sion Fac­ulty Uni­ver­sity of Sile­sia in Ka­tow­ice) and also “Such a Land­scape” by Jagoda Szelc – stu­dent of The Pol­ish Na­tional Film, Tele­vi­sion and The­atre School in Łódź.

Un­sur­passed leader of the an­i­ma­tions films’ rank­ing re­mains “Ziegenort” by Tomek Popakul. This month, the film re­ceived an in­vi­ta­tion to 12 film fes­ti­vals, i.a. : to Win­terthur Fes­ti­val, Bratislava IFF and Cana­dian GIRAF fes­ti­val. Other Pol­ish an­i­ma­tions are not doing bad ei­ther. This month, Pol­ish an­i­ma­tion films can be found  in the cat­a­logs of the fes­ti­vals tak­ing place in i.a. Mex­ico, Hol­land, Por­tu­gal, Italy and Ger­many. In the com­pe­ti­tion of 37th edi­tion of the Po­tuguese Cinan­ima fes­ti­val four an­i­ma­tions made in Poland will par­tic­i­pate – al­ready men­tioned “Ziegenort” by Tomek Popakul, “Baths” by Tomek Ducki, “Toto” by Zbig­niew Czapla and also “Ex Animo” by Wo­j­ciech Wo­jtkowski. The last two will also screen at Mex­i­can Cutout fes­ti­val along with “Shape” by Kijek/ Adamski and “On/Off” by Piotr Lud­wik. At the Es­ton­ian An­i­mated Dreams fes­ti­val two films will be com­pet­ing for the Best An­i­ma­tion award – “The Rail­way Watch­men” by Piotr Szczepanow­icz and al­ready men­tioned “Lost senses”, whereas at the Klik! Fes­ti­val in Am­s­ter­dam be­side Marcin Wasilewski’s film one will get the chance of watch­ing well-​known “Toto” and “Ziegenort”.

The full list of No­vem­ber fes­ti­vals can be found in the “at fes­ti­vals” tab

Above a still from "Such a landscape" by Jagoda Szelc

All in­for­ma­tion about up­com­ing screen­ings of Pol­ish doc­u­men­tary films can be found here