The documentary film by Paulina Skibińska was appreciated by the members of the International Documentary Association IDA. The film is nominated for the IDA Awards in the short film category.

International Documentary Association (abbreviated IDA) is a non-profit organisation, established in 1982, the aim of which is to promote the genre of documentary film. For thirty years, the members of the organisation have been giving the IDA awards for the best documentary films of a given year. "Object" by Paulina Skibińska is the only Polish film nominated this year for the IDA Awards in the short film category.

"Object" is a creative image of a rescue mission, taking place in the space of  two worlds – on the ice desert and under water. The film is told from the point of view of the rescue team, of a diver entering the world under the ice, and of the ordinary people, awaiting on the shore.

IDA has its seat in Los Angeles, but it unites over 2000 members from 52 countries. The organization provides film education, finances making documentary films by the film fund Pare Lorentz Documentary Fund, organises documentary film screenings and publishes the quarterly magazine "Documentary." Since 1985, it grants the prestigious IDA Awards.

The award ceremony is held on 5 December 2015 in Los Angeles.

The full list of the films nominated for the IDA awards can be found here.