Film by Anna Pawluczuk was recognised as the best documentary at the Norwegian Ringerike International Youth Film Festival.

The Ringerike International Youth Film Festival is an event held in the Norwegian city Hønefoss, located in the Ringerike region. The organisers of the festival place importance on interesting productions from all over the world, made by young film-makers from 14 to 26 years old. The authors of the event provide the perfect atmosphere both for the viewers and the representatives of the film industry, in particular for those who take their first steps in this industry. In the programme of the festival, there is a place for documentary and short films, as well as animated films and music videos.

The award-winning documentary film “One Two Zero” tells about the 10-year-old  Justyna, who together with her friends, trains rhythmic gymnastics for competition. Her life is filled with training and competitions, at which she often has to overcome her own limits and weaknesses. Having enormous strength and determination, she defeats all her friends in her stubbornness and perseverance.  However, in spite of this tremendous effort, she does not always manage to stand on the podium. When she keeps on losing her hopes to win medals, she decides to start to coach the five-year-old gymnasts from her club by herself.

The list of all award-winning films can be found here.