Last Saturday, 27 October, in Jihlava, the 16th International Documentary Film Festival ended. During the closing ceremony, for the fourth time the Silver Eye awards were given to films taking part in the East Silver Market. Polish documentaries took Jihlava by storm – among the films nominated for this award there were as many as 9 Polish ones, and two out of three awards went to Polish film makers.
In the short documentary category, the jury including Thierry Detaille (Belgium), Jukka-Pekka Laakso (Finland) and Georgy Molodtsov (Russia) awarded the film "Cut and Paste" by Rafał Samusik. It presents the dramatic events accompanying transplants – the miracle of modern medicine.
The film "We will be happy one day" by Paweł Wysoczański won in the medium-length documentary category, in which the jury consisted of: Terry Stevens (Great Britain), Laurien ten Houten (the Netherlands) and Anna-Lena Bytröm (Sweden). It was the second time Wysoczański was awarded this month. It is worth mentioning that at the beginning of the month "We will be happy one day" was chosen the best documentary film at the 13th Polish Film Festival in Los Angeles.
Only in the full-length documentary category no Polish film won the award. The jury, consisting of Ina Rossow (Germany), Rada Sesić (the Netherlands) and Francis Kandel (France) appreciated the Bulgarian-Croatian coproduction "Sofia’s Last Ambulance" by Illian Mateva. Slovakian documentary "Gypsy Vote" by Jaro Vojtek got the honourable mention in this category.
The Silver Eye winners received awards of 1500 euro and a year-long representation in the festival service East Silver Caravan, which guarantees them their entries to over 80 film festivals around the world.
More about the Silver Eye awards here.