The beginning of April will be extremely important for the film “The Hunt,” directed by Mateusz Jarmulski. The animated film will have its premiere screening in the competition at the American Aspen ShortsFest and at the festival Go Short in the Netherlands. During the second of the aforementioned events, the following films will also compete for the awards: “III” by Marta Pajek and “Squaring the Circle” by Karolina Specht.
At the same time as the Dutch Go Short, the Monstronale Short FilmFestival in Germany will take place. There, the film “Colaholic” by Marcin Podolec will have a chance to win the awards.
On the 4th of April started the International Animation Film Festival Big Cartoon Festival in Voronezh in Russia, where you can see “Squaring the Circle,” and the Chalon Tout Court Festival in France, there “The Other” by Marta Magnuska has the chance to win awards. On the same day started also the 31st edition of the FilmFest Dresden. In the programme of the German festival, as many as four Polish animated films are included. The following films are invited to the competition: “Oh, God!” by Betina Bożek and “Bless You!” by Paulina Ziółkowska, and the following films will have their screenings in the non-competing sections: “The Other” by Marta Magnuska and “Signum” by Witold Giersz.
A week later, in the programme of the French Angouleme Short Film Festival, the audience will find “III” by Marta Pajek, and the jury of the Egyptian Ismailia Film Festival will see “Tango of Longing” by Marta Szymańska. At the same time, the audience at the San Francisco International Film Festival will have a chance to get acquainted with the animated film “Bless You!”
Just before Easter, the Kyiv International Short Film Festival is held, there in the competition you can find “Acid Rain” by Tomasz Popakul. And in Indonesia, at the Europe On Screen Festival, the film “Bernard” by Anna Oparkowska will have a chance to win awards.
The end of the month will also bring two screenings of the film “Pussy” by Renata Gąsiorowska. The award-winning animated film will appear at the festivals cellu l’art Short Film Festival in Germany and the Brussels Short Film Festival in Belgium. In Lebanon, at the Between Women Filmmakers Caravan, the film “The Other” will have its special screening, and at the British Flatpack Film Festival “Bless You!” will compete for yet another award.
The full list of festival screenings is available here.