The festival Tricky Women is the first and the only animated film festival in Europe, dedicated exclusively to the artistic productions by women. This year, the festival was held from March 15 to 19 in Vienna. The jury consisted of: Mitsuko Okamoto (Japan), Vanja Andrijević (Croatia) and (Austria).
During the festival, as many as six Polish films were presented, two out of which were given awards. Sawczynski Audience Award and the jury's special mention went to Renata Gąsiorowska for her animated film "Pussy." The film has already won awards this month. Marta Pajek was given a three-month scholarship as the artist-in-residence at Q21/MQ for her "Impossible Figures and Other Stories II". According to the jury, the film, in a simple but clear way, takes us on a surprising journey through the labyrinths of psychedelic, constantly moving and changing perspectives of the physical space in the mind of a woman, who is at the same time fragile and strong.
"Pussy" is a funny story of a young girl who spends an evening in her apartment. The protagonist decides to organise a session of pleasure only for herself, however, not everything goes according to the plan. The animated film has already featured on several international festivals, winning awards at, among others, DOK Leipzig and AFI Fest. You can read the review of the film, written by Dagmara Marcinek, in our Reading Room, and the interview with the director of the animated film – here.
"Impossible Figures and Other Stories II" is the second part of the triptych based on the idea of impossible figures, that is, figures which can be drawn, but whose existence in reality is impossible. The animated series by the author is a statement on the role of women defined in three dimensions – starting from the most intimate one – such as home and family to the wider social context. The third part of the triptych "Impossible Figures and Other Stories" with the working title "Strip-tease" was given production props from Polish Film Institute. The production starts in autumn. The producer of the triptych by Marta Pajek is the animated film studio Animoon from Warsaw.
You can find more information about the festival on its website.