Polish documentaries nominated for the Silver Eye Award

On 30th October, the Silver Eye awards for the best films at the East Silver Documentary Market during the Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival will be given for the first time. The selection committee has chosen 11 films in each of the 3 categories: full-length documentary, middle-length one and short film. Poland is represented by 7 films.


Pol­ish nom­i­na­tions for the Sil­ver Eye award:

Short documentary:

Chasm / Otchłań / Wojciech Kasperski / 2009 / 34’
The Lucky Ones / Szczęściarze / Tomasz Wolski / 2009 / 27’
Six Weeks / Sześć tygodni / Marcin Janos Krawczyk / 2009 / 18’
Till it hurts / Do bólu / Marcin Koszałka / 2008 / 25′


Middle-length film:

Rabbit a la Berlin / Mauerhasen / Bartek Konopka / 2009 / 51’
The Sidetrack / Bocznica / Anna Kazejak / 2009 / Poland / 45’


The awards will be given dur­ing the clos­ing cer­e­mony of the Jihlava In­ter­na­tional Doc­u­men­tary Film Fes­ti­val.
