The Camerimage International Film Festival starts tomorrow in Bydgoszcz. During this year’s 21st edition also Polish cinematographers will present their fiction and documentary films in the competition.

This year, three Pol­ish films can be fund among the twenty-​four ti­tles listed as a part of the in­ter­na­tional stu­dent etudes com­pe­ti­tion. The first two: “Magma” cin­e­matog­ra­pher Cezary Stolecki (dir. Paweł Maślona) and “Killing Aun­tie” cin­e­matog­ra­pher Kacper Sędzielewski (dir. Ma­teusz Głowacki) were pro­duced by the Radio and Tele­vi­sion Fac­ulty of the Uni­ver­sity of Sile­sia in Ka­tow­ice. The third one, “Such a Land­scape” was made by the stu­dents of Pol­ish Na­tional Film School in Łódź – Zuzanna Pyda (cin­e­matog­ra­pher) and Jagoda Szelc (di­rec­tor). The au­thor of the best cin­e­matog­ra­phy will be awarded a Golden Tad­pole – a Las­zlo Ko­vacs Stu­dent Award. Ad­di­tion­ally, there will be an­other prize in the com­pe­ti­tion pre­sented by the Pol­ish Film In­sti­tute and Mas­ter­shot, the Spe­cial Prize for Out­stand­ing Cin­e­matog­ra­phy in a form of a cheque for PLN 10 000. Last year it went to Bar­tosz Bi­e­niek, the cin­e­matog­ra­pher of “All Souls’ Day” di­rected by Alek­san­dra Terpińska.

Within the non-​competitive panorama, the view­ers will be able to watch Elżbieta Benkowska’s “Olena”, a film which was in­cluded in the main short film sec­tion of  this year’s Cannes IFF. The cin­e­matog­ra­phy in “Olena” is the work of Sławomir Witek, who along with Benkowska is a Gdy­nia Film School grad­u­ate.

In the mean­time, the short doc­u­men­tary film com­pe­ti­tion called „Image of the World – World in Im­ages” will be host­ing four Pol­ish films. Wajda Stu­dio is the pro­ducer of three of them: “Joanna” cin­e­matog­ra­pher Łukasz Żal (dir. Aneta Kopacz), “When I am a Bird” cin­e­matog­ra­pher Paweł Chorzępa (dir. Monika Pawluczuk) and “The Love Equa­tion of Henry Fast” cin­e­matog­ra­pher Paweł Nadolny (dir. Ag­nieszka El­banowska). Łukasz Żal’s chances for the Golden Frog are dou­bled, since he is also the cin­e­matog­ra­pher of the short doc­u­men­tary “Left Side of the Face” di­rected by Marcin Bortkiewicz, which is tak­ing part in the com­pe­ti­tion as well. The in­ter­na­tional jury will be eval­u­at­ing six­teen films.

On the other hand, three Pol­ish films have met in the fea­ture doc­u­men­tary films com­pe­ti­tion, that is “Fa­ther and Son” shot by Mar­cel and Paweł Łoziński (dir. Paweł Łoziński), “A Dream in the Mak­ing” cin­e­matog­ra­pher Ma­teusz Skalski (dir. Bar­tosz M. Kowal­ski) and “Se­crets of Love” with Krys­t­ian Maty­sek both as a cin­e­matog­ra­pher and a di­rec­tor. The films pre­sented in the non-​competitive screen­ing will be Joanna Frydrych’s  "Free the But­ter­fly", Krzysztof Kowal­ski’s  "Black Box" , Lidia Duda’s “Every­thing is Pos­si­ble”, "Abu Haraz” by Ma­ciej Dry­gas, “A Diary of a Jour­ney” by Piotr Stasik and "A New Dream – Krzysztof War­likowski” by Marcin Latałło.

The win­ners of all the Camer­im­age com­pe­ti­tions will be an­nounced on 23 No­vem­ber.

You can find the full pro­gramme of this year’s edi­tion at the Camer­im­age of­fi­cial web­site.