Three Polish animated films and one documentary film will represent Poland in this year's competitive sections of Clermont-Ferrand festival. The festival programmers invited the following films to participate in the international competition: "The Incredibly Elastic Man" by Karolina Specht and "Hippos" by Piotr Dumała. In the French competition, the Polish-French co-production "Blue Room" by Tomasz Śliwiński will participate. The documentary film, "Object" by Paulina Skibińska, recently awarded at the Sundance festival, will be shown in the LAB section, presenting experimental films.
For the eighth time, at the film market accompanying the festival, there will be the national stand of POLISH SHORTS, organized and produced by Krakow Film Foundation. Accredited film professionals and guests, who visit the stall, will be able to get information about the latest Polish short films, get oriented on the festival market and network with Polish film producers, sales agents and festival representatives. The representatives of Munk Studio, Shipsboy, New Europe Film Sales, as well as Krakow Film Festival will be present in Clermont-Ferrand. In addition, during the film market the new POLISH SHORTS / POLISH ANIMATIONS 2014 DVD, which includes 6 short feature films and 7 animated films, will be premiered. Almost 90 Polish films will be available in the film market's videolibrary.
This year, just like last year, within the frames of the film market, there a will be the special screening of Polish films, addressed to film industry professionals. In the programme of POLISH SHORTS PRESENTS, there are six films – 3 animations: "Summer 2014" by Wojciech Sobczyk, "Woolen Cogwheels" by Bartosz Kędzierski and "Of A Forest" by Katarzyna Melnyk; and 2 short fiction films: "From Bed Thou Arose" by Bartek Konopka and "Duties" by Anna Karasińska and the documentary "Starting Point" by Michał Szcześniak. The screening will be held on Thursday, February 5.
This year, the project "Camouflage" was invited to participate in the co-production forum EURO CONNECTION. Its producer, Joanna Szymańska from the company Shipsboy sp. z o.o., will participate in the seventh edition of the pitching as an observer. The forum EURO CONNECTION is organised by Sauve Qui Peut le Court Metrage in co-operation with Marche du Film Court de Clermont-Ferrand, CNC and Media Desk France, and every year attracts numerous experts and producers interested in co-producing short films.
You can find more information on the festival's website .