Animated film, short feature film and animated documentary film will represent Poland in this year's competition sections at the festivals in Clermont-Ferrand. The festival selectors invited the following films to the international competition: "Sexy Laundry" by Izabela Plucińska, "No Matter What Happens, I Love You" by Justyna Mytnik and "A Documentary Film" by Marcin Podolec. However, animated Polish-British co-production "Girl Who Spoke Cat" by Dotty Kultys will be shown in children's film section.
This year, POLISH SHORT celebrates 10 years of its presence at the festival in Clermont-Ferrand. Traditionally, at the film market accompanying the festival, there will be the national stall of POLISH SHORTS, prepared by Krakow Film Foundation. Accredited film professionals and guests from around the world, who visit the stall, will be able to get information about the latest Polish short films, get oriented on the festival market and get in touch with Polish film producers, sales agents and festival representatives. In Clermont-Ferrand, apart from the representatives of Krakow Film Foundation, there will also be the representatives of Polish Film Institute, New Europe Film Sales, Centrala Film and Munk Studio. During the market, Munk Studio will celebrate the tenth birthday of its programme "30 Minutes," which helps young film-makers in creating their first feature films.
In addition, during the film market there will be the premiere of DVD POLISH SHORTS / POLISH ANIMATIONS 2015/16, which includes eight short feature films and six animated films. Also, 100 Polish films will be available in the film market's video collection.
This year within the frames of the film market, there will be the special screening of Polish films addressed to film industry professionals. In the POLISH SHORTS PRESENTS programme, there are six films: "The Dogcatcher" by Daria Woszek, "Fences" by Natalia Krawczuk, "Daughter" by Tomasz Wolski, "The Last Trick" by Marcin Nowak, "7 Sheep" by Wiktoria Szymańska and "La etiuda" by Martin Rath. The screening is held on Thursday, Feburary 11 in Georges Conchon Theatre.
This year, Polish project "Deer Boy," directed by Katarzyna Gondek and produced by the company Centrala Film, is invited to participate in the co-production forum EURO CONNECTION.
You can find more information on the festival's website .