Produced by Munk Studio as a part of “First Documentary” programme, „A Piece Of Summer” by Marta Minorowicz succeeded once again – this time at Curt. Doc Short Documentary Festival in Spain.

A Piece of Summer” is a story about rebuilding relationship and returns. The end of summer, the end of holidays. A boy visits his grandfather who lives and works in the mountainous forests. Surrounded by wild nature and severe world they try to rebuild their bonds.

Marta Minorowicz’s film, produced by Munk Studio as a part of “First Documentary” programme which set up with the aim of supporting the young, ambitious and creative cinema, has been so far appreciated at many international festivals. “A Piece of Summer” was awarded the Golden Dove Award at the last year’s DOK Leipzig. This year it won Grand Prix at the festival in Clermont-Ferrand and recently Marta Minorowicz received the Nanook Second Prize at Curt. Doc Short Documentary Festival in Spain.

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