September opened with a big screening Polish animated films which was held at the Swiss festival Fantoche in Baden. Organizers of the festival decided to celebrate the quality of Polish animation by devoting a huge programme to present the most significant films made in Poland presently and in the past years. 29 films were screened at the festival as well as a retrospective programme of films made by Jan January Janczak. More about the „Focus on Poland“ programme at Fantoche can be read here.
It was also in early September when another Polish programme of animated films screened at Argentinean festival Cartoon. This time the programme was devoted to presentation of the most contemporary short films – the films from catalogue of the Krakow Film Foundation as well as the laureates of the 3rd edition of the O!PLA festival. More on this particular programme to be found here.
In mid September the 21st edition of the Encounters Bristol Short & Animated Film Festival kicked off. This year two animated films made in Poland will compete for the festival laurels – „Don't loose your head“ by Karolina Specht and „Woolen cogwheels“ by Bartosz Kędzierski. The latter will celebrate its international premiere in Bristol. Encounters festival is one of the top festivals for short films. This year's edition will end on September 20th.
In the second fortnight of the month another very important festival, this time in the animated film festivals' category will start. During the Canadian Ottawa International Animation Festival the most outstanding films made across the globe get screened. This year two films made by Krakow based artists made it to the competitive section – numerously awarded „Fuge for cello, trumpet and landscape“ by Jerzy Kucia and „Summer 2014“ by Wojciech Sobczyk. Both titles will screen also at the Brazilian Belo Horizonte Festival. The laureates of the competitive section will be announced on September 27th.
It it worth to mark the first international screening of Tessa Moult-Milewska's „Creatures“ produced as a part of the Young Animation programme of Munk Studio. The film received the invitation of the biggest Finnish festival – Helsinki Intrenational Film Festival Love & Anarchy. This month „Creatures“ will screen also at another two festivals – Belo Horizonte in Brazil and Balinale in Indonesia.
Just like every year Polish films will be present in the programme of Russian Krok Festival. The eight days long festival is held entirely on the boat sailing from Moscow to Saint Petersburg. Theree animated films received the invitation to take part in the competition – „To Thy Heart“ by Ewa Borysewicz, „Baths“ by Tomek Ducki and „Hippos“ by Piotr Dumała.
The complete list of this month's festival screenings can be found here