The student animation “Steven and the Beatle” by Piotr Hoang Ngoc, one of the six Polish films in the competition, was listed as one of the winning films of Holland Animation Film Festival.

This year, apart from the above mentioned “Steven and the Beatle” the following Polish films were screened at the Dutch festival: "TOTO" by Zbigniew Czapla and "At Saint Vincent’s" by Stanisław Furman – both screened as a part of International Short Competition, as well as "Bear me" by Kasia Wilk, "Ride of the tram" by Milena Molenda and "Tremolo non Troppo" by Lucyna Kolendo – presented in the European Student Film Competition.

Yesterday evening, on the last festival’s day the jury announced the winners. The French „Palmipedarium”  by Jérémi Clapin won in the short narrative category while the Dutch- Belgian “Recycled” directed by Lei Lei and Thomas Sauvin received the Grand Prix of the Non-competitive short competition. Although the Grand Prix of the European Student Film Competition went to Dutch “Washed Ashore” by Jonas Otto, the Polish “Steven and the Beatle” received a Special Mention in the same category ex aequo with a Latvian „International Father’s day” by Edmunds Jansons. The Jury of student competition emphasized that the lineup was very strong so certain films could not have been left unnoticed. Thus the jury decided to give two honorable mentions to films with impressive design, complex narrative and overall films with soul.

„Steven and the Beatle” by Piotr Hoang Ngoc – a student of Polish National Film School in Łódź – is a story of a friendship that is a misalliance. Stefan is a successful swim coach loved by women. His life is turned upside down when he meets Beetle. Beetle embodies everything that is forbidden in the Stefan’s world. Will their friendship last? Will Stefan be able to kill qualms of conscience in the same way as he kills the smell of his friend with scented trees? The Dutch distinction is the second Special Mention – after the one film scored at Greek festival Naoussa –  that the film receives abroad.

Holland Animation Film Festival is the biggest animated film event in The Netherlands. The festival started as a biennial festival and became a yearly event in 2009 so it can offer even more up-to-date programme and really monitor developments as they unfold. In 2012 the festival dates move from the beginning of November to the end of March to fit even better in the international festival calendar. The 16th edition of Holland Animation Film Festival was held in Utrecht between 20th and 24th March.

The complete list of award winners is available at the official festival’s website