The latest animated film by Barbara Rupik just left PIAFF – – Paris International Animation Film Festival – with the unique The Prize of Strangeness.

PIAFF – Paris International Animation Film Festival is an annual event held in Paris and wholly dedicated to animated film. The festival forms a platform to present the latest and most innovative works in animation, thus attracting creators, animators, directors, and art lovers from around the world. PIAFF features a very rich program with both short and feature-length animated films for children, teenagers, and adults. The festival promotes diversity by presenting traditional and more experimental approaches to the art of animation.

One of the films presented at the festival was Barbara Rupik’s Such Miracles Do Happen. The film definitely caught the jurors’ attention and received the peculiarly-named The Prize of Strangeness.

One day, all the sculptures in the area come to life. They come out of roadside chapels, leave their pedestals, and slowly start marching forward, all in the same direction. They don’t even stop for a moment. People are observing this phenomenon with growing anxiety. No one knows why the figures are moving and where they are going. Only a little girl, with a boneless body, is delighted with this procession of unusual characters. Without muscles, they walk, although they shouldn’t. How strange!

You can find out more about the festival here.