The film directed by Teresa Czepiec was chosen the best short documentary at the International Documentary Film Festival "It's All True" in Brazil.

The festival "It's All True" ended on April 18 – it is one of the most important events dedicated to documentary films in South America. The international jury included: Laetitia  Mikles, Cristián  Leighton and Thom Powers, who gave the main award to "Super Unit" by Teresa Czepiec. This year, for the first time, the festival winners are automatically included on the list of films from which the productions nominated for the Academy Award in the Best Short Documentary category are selected. "It's All True" is the only festival in South America which has such a status.

Super Unit is a huge block of flats designed  as "machine for living."  On 15 floors of the building, up to 13 thousand people can live. The lift stops every third floor, so the inhabitants have to go through a real labyrinth of corridors and stairs to reach their flats. The main protagonists of the film are people living inside the Super Unit and experiencing important moments of their lives there. Here, their emotions pulsate, expectations are born and dreams come true … or not.

The full list of award-winning films can be found here.