In the International Short Film Competition, the film "Close Ties" by Zofia Kowalewska was successful. The film received the SILVER DRAGON award for the director of the best documentary film. In the justification given by the jury, we can read that it is a warm-hearted and humorous film, a poignant and precisely implemented reflection about love, attachment and forgiveness.
Unquestionable triumphant of the Festival is the film "Icon" by Wojciech Kasperski that won the highest laurels, the Golden Hobby-Horse in the Polish Competition, but was also given the award of the International Federation of Film Critics (FIPRESCI) for his reflection on the human soul, particularly on the souls of women of different ages, the inmates of the mental institution somewhere in the wilderness. In spite of the difficult truth revealed in the film, the film-makers' sensitive approach allows to see hope and give the protagonists sincere human understanding. The production also got Maciej Szumowski award for particular sensitivity in social matters, founded by the National Broadcasting Council. The special award of the President of Polish Filmmakers Association for editing went to Tymoteusz Wiskirski, and the Polish Society of Cinematographers Award, founded by Chimney Poland, was given to the Academy Award nominee Łukasz Żal, the author of the cinematography in "Icon."
The Jury of Polish competition, consisting of Joanna Kos-Krauze, Agnieszka Glińska, Stefan Laudyn, Ewa Sobolewska and Agnieszka Zwiefka, justified giving the Golden Hobby-Horse award to "Icon," using these words: A delicate, shocking film. Told with great maturity, carefulness and courage. It restores the meaning of the first questions, the most important ones. The picture which reminds us that a film sometimes can be a work of art. This one certainly is.
The Silver Hobby-Horse for the director of the best documentary film, however, went to Paweł Łoziński for his film "You Have No Idea How Much I Love You." According to the jury, the film opens new spaces of the genre. A modest, great film.
The award for the best producer of Polish short and documentary films founded by Polish Audiovisual Producers Chamber of Commerce went to Agnieszka Wasiak from Lava Films Sp. z o.o. for the film "21 x New York City" directed by Piotr Stasik.
The full list of award-winners is available on the festival's website.