Documentary Fortnight: MoMA’s International Festival of Nonfiction Film and Media is an annual showcase of recent documentary film that examines the relationship between contemporary art and nonfiction practices and reflects on new areas of documentary filmmaking. This year’s festival includes an international selection of 21 feature films and seven short films, a performance lecture, an archival film program, and a flat-screen installation. Many of the directors will be present, and screenings are followed by discussions.
This year, the organisers of the festival decided to include in the programme the screening of 'The Domino Effect'. Rafael – one of the two main protagonists of the film – is the Minister of Sport in the Republic of Abkhazia, not recognised by other countries, Natasha – a Russian opera singer. For Rafael, Natasha abandoned her career and family in Russia. However, living in a country not recognised virtually by anyone, marked with civil war and completely dependent on Russia's whims, quickly ceases to be a romantic adventure. Just like as in a chain reaction when one event launches a series of following events, the fates of the protagonists are intertwined with the course of history.
You can read more about the festival on its website.