Banjaluka International Animation Festival was created on the basis of The May Festival of Animated Film, which took place in Yugoslavia since 1971. Apart from the competition section, the program of the current festival includes numerous retrospectives, accompanying shows and workshops for professionals and amateurs.
In this year’s program, apart from the award-winning film by Joanna Wapniewska, the viewers could see several other Polish productions. In the main competition, the films “The Flood” by Sofia Nabok and “Re-Cycle” by Mateusz Lenart also competed for awards.
The awarded animation “Vitae Azilia” is a film about a lost but still living relationship between two people. The main character is a young woman who, being alone with her own feelings and longings, tries to find herself again in the context of the loss of a loved one. Plunging into the created space of her memories, she overwrites them, creating an increasingly surreal reality in which the apparent acceptance of a sense of loss reveals her emotional entanglement in the old relationship.
The list of all awarded productions can be found here.