The animated documentary by Katarzyna Warzecha delighted the jurors of the American Chicago International Film Festival. The film won the Gold Hugo Award for Best Short Documentary.

Chicago International Film Festival was founded by Michael Kutz in 1964 and it is the oldest event of its kind in the United States. The festival takes place every fall and has a really rich program. The viewers will see high-profile feature films, intimate short stories, moving documentaries and independent productions of debutants.

This year, the festival program includes a Polish film. The animated documentary by Katarzyna Warzecha was so popular that it received the Gold Hugo award for the best short documentary of the festival.

The victorious “We Have One Heart” follows the story of Adam, who finds the correspondence exchanged years ago by his parents: a Polish woman and a Kurd living in Iraq. For Adam, this is an opportunity to learn more about the father he never met. The combination of cartoon animation with archival materials allows you to move almost 40 years back, feel the emotions of people living in different parts of the world in love and discover an extraordinary family secret.

More information about the festival can be found here.