ABIFF – Animation Bucharest International Film Festival is an event aimed at promoting animated films in the region. The festival is organised by the ABI Foundation, Mockra Productions and Creatrix Fama with support from UPFAR ARGOA and DACIN SARA, with Miron Radu acting as its artistic director. The event presents the most interesting domestic and global productions and attracts more than a thousand attendees.
This year, one of the awards has gone to a Polish animated film. We Hope You Won’t Need to Come Back by Anastasia Naumenko received The Best Thematic Film Award.
The winning film tells the story of a young emigrant girl. Having to function in a foreign environment slowly turns into a routine, while she herself – into a modern Frankenstein’s creation. Her new attitude and behaviours no longer fit with old habits and stereotypes inherited from her loved ones. After some time, the heroine decides to return home to regain her lost sense of security. The first meeting with her family becomes a turning point in shaping her identity and makes her discover a process that most contemporary emigrants go through.
You can find out more about the festival here.