This Wednesday the 11th edition of the Icelandic Reykjavik ShortsDocs Festival’12 came to an end. At the closing ceremony Paweł Wysoczański – the author of documentary “We will be happy one day” was presented one of the main festival’s award.

There were three main competitive sections in the festival’s programme featuring full length and short documentaries as well as short and Icelandic films. This year two Polish films were selected to the short film competition – aside from the above mentioned “We will be happy one day” also “Invisible border” by Haukur M.

Paweł Wysoczański’s film was annouced the author of the Best Newcomer Documentary Film. It is worth to mention that the jury decided not to award any of the films screened in the full length competition thus “We will be happy one day” can be considered the best foreign film of the festival! 

„We will be happy one day“ is a documentary film about Daniel, a young man from Lipiny – the poorest town in the southern Poland. Daniel wants out of the omnipresent misery. With a mobile phone camera in his hand he wanders round his neighbourhood asking kids and grownups questions about their dreams. Are they going to come true, at least, for some? However, in the process of Daniel’s filming there emerges a hidden layer: the love between him and his charismatic grandmother. But will he ever manage to complete his film?

There were nearly 80 short and documentary films screened in the selection of this year’s festival. Aside from the competitive sections Polish films were shown also in frame of the special programme “Polish Pictures” organized by the foundation Ad Arte from Poznań. Festiwal hosted nearly 20 international guest representing film festivals, production companies as well as distributors.

More on the festival can be found here