Last weekend Poles found themselves twice in the group of the laureates of two festivals located hundreds kilometers away from each other – Kosovan Prizen and Croatian Kumrovec.

On Saturday the tenth edition of Tabor Film Festival that set off on 8th July in Kumrovec reached its end. Jury of the international competition unanimously presented the Special Mention to animated “Sleepincord” by Marta Pajek in appreciation of this “unique journey through the author’s dreamy imagination”. This Special Mention is another distinction for the animation after Grand Prix of Tricky Woman in Austria and award at the Armenian Raenimania Film Festival. Apart from “Sleepincord” another two Polish films were screened in the competition of Tabor – “Written in ink” by Martin Rath and “Noise” by Przemysław Adamski. What is more there were nearly 40 Polish films produced from 2006 featured in frame of panorama screening.


One day after the Croatian festival the closing ceremony of the 11th edition of the DokuFest Kosovo took place. There, among the laureates of six competitive sections jury awarded the Special Mention to “Frozen Stories” directed by Grzegorz Jaroszuk. The Special Mention in Kosovo is the third of this kind given to the film by the graduate of the Polish National Film School in Łódź, that so far scored eight international awards for his film. In Kosovo, apart from the Polish screening organized by Krakow Film Foundation there was another Polish feature in the programme – a masterclass ran by Wojciech Staroń. In the surrounding of beautiful 11th century hamam the Polish documentarist shared his experiences on working with analogue and digital camera using the examples from documentaries “Siberian lesson” and the latest “Entangled” directed by Lilia Duda as well as described documentary use of camera in the feature “El premio” awarded a Silver Bear at this year’s Berlinale.

More on both festivals can be found at the websites of Tabor Film Festival and DokuFest