This year “Without snow” was the only Polish film in the competition. Magnus von Horn’s graduation film produced by Polish National Film School in Łódź in coproduction with Lava Films shows the story of 16 year old Linus who falls in love with his best friend’s girlfriend. Never will he expect however that this will lead to such tragic consequences. Set in the rough landscape of the Swedish province “Without snow” is a story of maturing, youthful infatuation and first bitter disappointments.
The award at Curtas is the second award for “Without snow” presented to the film at Iberian Peninsula – last November Magnus von Horn received the Grand Prix of the Spanish ZINEBI.
It is worth to mention that in the non-competitive European Panorama of Curtas another four Polish films were screened – fiction “Barbican” by Bartek Żmuda, “Frozen Stories” by Grzegorz Jaroszuk, animated “Noise” by Przemysław Adamski and documentary “Paparazzi” by Piotr Bernaś.
More on festival to be found at the official Vila do Conde website