Karina Paciorkowska's animation was awarded at the prestigious DOK Leipzig festival.

DOK Leip­zig is one of the leading events in the world of documentary and animated cinema. Each year the latest film productions from dozens of countries and all continents are presented in Leipzig. This year 3 100 films were submitted to DOK Leipzig. After the official selection around 160 films were invited to the festival, while over 140 were selected to special programs. In total 306 films were presented during DOK Leipzig this year, including eight Polish productions.

The awarded film by Karina Paciorkowska took part in the international Next Masters Competition. Four other Polish films were selected to the same competition: documentaries The Sistersby Michał Hytroś and The Symphony of the Ursus Factoryby Jaśmina Wójcik and animations Eatself by Edyta Adamczak and The Notebook by Aleksandra Rylewicz.

“You Are Overreacting” is a hand-drawn animation that attempts to ask questions about the place of women in the modern world. The film is (unfortunately) inspired by everyday life, public figures’ statements and the media.

The list including the rest of the winning films can be found here.