The animated film by Betina Brożek was given the best animation award at the 28th Message to Man International Film Festival.

The 28th Message to Man International Film Festival is one of the oldest and the most popular Russian film festivals. The programme of the event includes short feature and animated films as well as documentary films. This year, Poland was represented by three films – the documentary film "The Sisters" by Michał Hytroś, the animated films „III”  by Marta Pajek and the award-winning "Oh, God!" by Betina Bożek. All these films were very well received by both the audience and the jury.

The protagonists of "Oh, God!" are ordinary people struggling with internal passions, awkwardly expressing their feelings, who are still waiting for this true, "real fulfillment." Spending their time at mundane, unnecessary activities, they melt in the everyday oblivion, tormented by their emotions and the need for love. Music plays, the protagonists drown in emotions and spilled drinks, while the orchestra tries to take the lead. However, the great awkwardness seems to be insurmountable.  Oh, God…

You can find more information about the festival here.