This time, the animated film by Karina Paciorkowska was appreciated at the Italian Animaphix International Animated Film Festival.

The Animaphix International Animated Film Festival was established in 2015 in Sicily. The mission of the festival and its organisers is to support and promote young animated film-makers and to provide them with space for further development in the film industry. The programme consists of two international competitions: the best short animated film competition and the best children’s animated film competition.

This year, two Polish films had a chance to win in the best short animated film competition: the award-winning  “You Are Overreacting” by Karina Paciorkowska and “Tango of Longing” by Marta Szymańska.

The film appreciated by the Jury is a hand-drawn animation, which tries to ask questions about the place of women in contemporary reality. The animated film is inspired by everyday life, statements of public figures and by the way the media talk about women.

This year’s edition of the Animaphix was held from the 18th to the 22nd of September.

You can find more information about the festival on its official website.