„Barbican’s” festival’s tournée is gaining more and more recognition abroad. After receiving the award for the best film at Tehran Short Film Festival in Iran, on Saturday evening film was presented another laurel at 10th Beijing Film Academy International Student Film&Video Festival.

More than 900 films, produced in 46 countries were submitted to this year’s edition of the festival. Only 88 of them were accepted to the competition. Thus very fortunate for two Polish entries that made their way straight to the top selection – above mentioned “Barbican” by Bartek Żmuda representing Polish National Film School in Łódź and “Eclipse” by Paweł Maślona made at Krzysztof Kieślowski Radio and Television Department of the Silesian University in Katowice. At Saturday’s closing ceremony “Barbican” was presented the Audience Award as one of the ten audience’s favourites.

„Barbican” is Żmuda’s graduate film that tells the story of Emil B, who after a long time spent working in Germany, comes back to his pregnant girlfriend in Poland. Emil’s return is to solve out many of their problems but the reality back home isn’t that welcoming as any of them expected. Despite everything Emil gets on the “Barbican” express that goes from Szczecin to Kraków that will bring him home. Those few hours spent on the train will bring a few unexpected twists into his life. The story was based on true life events.

International Student Film & Video Festival was held between 6th and 12th November in Beijing.

 More information on festival can be found here