The latest animated film by Tomek Popakul "ACID RAIN" was selected to Voices Short section of the prestigious International Film Festival in Rotterdam. The film was produced by Animoon (Piotr Szczepanowicz and Grzegorz Wacławek) and coproduced by FINA, with the support from the Polish Film Institute.

International Film Festival Rotterdam is one of the biggest and most prestigious among the  independent and experimental film festivals. Voices is a section that each year presents the most interesting films driven by powerful stories and important subjects. The films in the Voices Short programme are competing for the Audience Award. The screening of “ACID RAIN” in Rotterdam will be the world premiere of the film.

“ACID RAIN” is a story about an unusual meeting somewhere in Eastern Europe. A young girl runs away from home, far from her depressing hometown.  Her early enthusiasm about the hitch-hike fades when she finds herself in city outskirts in the middle of the night. At a bridge she meets a figure balancing unsafely on the rail. That’s how she meets Skinny – a kind of unstable weirdo. Skinny lives in a camping van, which he uses to run his not-so-legal job errands. Together with him she sets on a journey with no destination. As the ride continues a particular affection grows between the two.

Tomek Popakul graduated from the Łódź Film School. He made several films, including his graduate film “Ziegenort” which was shown at numerous international festivals and won various awards around the world e.g. Grand Prix of the festival in Oberhausen. Popakul took part in the Animation Artist in Residence Tokyo programme organised by the Japan Image Council (JAPIC) where he made his film “Black”.

The 48th edition of International Film Festival Rotterdam will take place January 23rd – February 3rd, 2019. The full festival programme will be announced at the beginning of January.

More information about the festival is available here.

Press release: Animoon