The film by Aleksandra Terpińska has already been shown at festivals in France. Since its February premiere at Clermont-Ferrand festival, "All Souls’ Day" has found the way to the programmes of the following festivals: Cinessone, Sequence, Aye Aye in Nancy and Lille. Tous Courts festival in Aix en Provence turned out to be the lucky one, since the film won the jury’s second prize there. There were 55 films in this year’s competition, including four Polish ones – apart from the award-winning "All Souls’ Day" also "Our Bad Winter" by Grzegorz Zariczny, "Ex animo" by Wojciech Wojtkowski and "Ziegenort" by Tomek Popakul.
The film by Aleksandra Terpińska, which was produced by Radio and Television Faculty at the University of Silesia in Katowice, has already been shown at about 40 festivals abroad.
To be born on All Souls’ Day. It is a paradox which one has to face once a year, all life long. It is the joy of birthday and infinite sadness for those who are gone. It is the day of the strength of life and the power of death. There are lights on the grave and candles on the cake. In addition, it is a turning point, because the main protagonist has a plan connected with resolving a certain mystery. During this birthday, Lena will try to solve some of her problems and … she will grow up.
The full list of awarded films and more information about the festival can be found on Tous Courts’s official website