“Goldfish” wins the Camera Obscura Festival

The Jury of the 6th edition of Camera Obscura The Art of Reportage Festival, including: Lidia Duda, Ilze Bukowska Jacobsen, Grzegorz Klatka and Antoine Leonard Maestrami announced the results of the contest.

Ryszard Kapuściński Grand Prix, worth 3.000 euro, in the international contest of reportages under 20 minutes, was given to the film “Goldfish” by Tomasz Wolski. Justifying its verdict, the jury wrote that the award is given for the simplicity of the film structure, the ability to give insight into behaviour and  humanistic approach to the character.

The Main Prize, worth 1.500 euro, in the Polish contest of reportages under 20 minutes, was given to the film “The Citizen Dorothy” (Obywatelka Dorotka). The work of Brygida Frosztęga-Kmiecik and Izabela Szukalska was awarded for the creative potential and the perception of small-big life struggles.

Honorary award for the best investigating reportage went to "Kto prowadzi grę wokół Aleksandra Gudzowatego?" by Przemysław Wojciechowski. The jury was delighted by the substantial preparation to the topic, amassing surprising documentation and the ability to work on the set, which resulted in perfect psychological portrait of the main protagonist.

Honorary award for the best historical documentary was handed to the authors of  “Tiananmen: 20 years after the massacre”(Tiananmen: 20 lat po masakrze). Shi Ming and Thomas Weidenbach were given the prize for an enormous contribution to the journalist work and reaching new documentary materials related to the history of this still current subject.
