The Kaboom Animation Festival is an event created by enthusiasts and intended for true animation buffs. The organisers focus on the creators’ creativity and gather various forms and extraordinary film stories from all over the world. There is plenty of room for provocative and bold works, but also for intimate, very auteur ones too.
This year’s program also includes Polish productions. Viewers had the opportunity to see Betina Bożek’s “The Land of Whim”, Katarzyna Warzecha’s “We Have One Heart”, Natalia Spychała’s “Marbles”, Tomek Ducki’s “Plantarium”, Yelyzaveta Pysmak’s “My Fat Arse and I”, and Julia Orlik’s award-winning “I’m Here”.
The festival’s best student short film tells the story of an elderly man who is looking after his paralysed wife. Despite his old age and own health issues, he tries his best to alleviate her suffering, which is getting more severe every day. He is aided by his daughter, who tries to reconcile the care given to her mother with her own work at the hospital and her personal life. Each of them has different views on how the woman should be looked after, which leads to many arguments.
A list of all winners of this year’s edition can be found here.