DOK Leipzig is one of the major events in the world of documentary and animated cinema. Each year the latest film productions from dozens of countries from all the continents are being presented in Leipzig. This year over 3,100 films were submitted: around 160 films made it through the official selection and will take part in the festival, while around 140 films were chosen to special programmes. In total 306 films will be show at DOK Leipzig, including eight produced in Poland.
Jaśmina Wójcik’s feature film “The Symphony of the Ursus Factory” was invited to the international Next Masters Competition. The documentary will have in Leipzig its world premiere. DOK Leipzig will also host the world premiere of “The Notebook“, an animation by Aleksandra Rylewicz, which will be presented in the short film competition. Three other Polish films were selected to the same competition: one documentary and two animations. The competing films are “The Sisters” by Michał Hytroś, “Eatself” by Edyta Adamczak and “You Are Overreacting” by Karina Paciorkowska.
Polish documentary “The Briefing” by Filip Drzewiecki was invited to the international documentary and animated film programme. The film will have there its international premiere. A Polish production can also be found in Kids DOK section – it is “Their voices” by Eri Mizutani.
The last Polish film in this year’s festival programme is “Tango” by Zbigniew Rybczyński, which was invited to the special animation programme.
It is not yet the end of the Polish presence at DOK Leipzig. For several years the festival has been cooperating with the Krakow Film Foundation and the effect of this cooperation is, among others, a special Polish programme at DOK Market. What is more, during this year’s edition of Doc Lab Poland “Ambulance Poland-Syria“, a film directed by Aleksander Zalewski, was awarded the DOK Leipzig prize and got an invitation to Co-Pro Market. Another film invited to Co-Pro Market is Małgorzata Goliszewska’s project “Lessons of Love“, which earned this privilege thanks to the East Doc Platform award.
The festival will take place October 29 – November 4. The full festival programme is available on DOK Leipzig website.