It was an extremely successful weekend for Barbara Rupik's film. The animation received two awards at international festivals. The first one came from the Slovak Fest Anča, and the second from the Ukrainian Molodist Kyiv International Film Festival.

Fest Anča International Animation Festival is the only Slovak festival entirely devoted to animation directed primarily at adult audiences. The festival has four competition sections – three international and one national. The jurors will choose the best short animation, the best music video, the best film for children and the best Slovak production.

Two Polish animations were invited to the first of the competitions. Apart from the awarded “The Little Soul”, the jury also had the opportunity to see “Portrait Of Suzanne” directed by Izabela Plucińska.

Molodist is the oldest festival promoting the work of young filmmakers in Ukraine, and its history began over 40 years ago with a two-day review of films by students of the Kiev Institute of Art. At that time, the program consisted of only 33 films. Over the years, the festival formula has gradually expanded. This year’s edition took place online.

The competition program of the Ukrainian festival featured not only an animation by Barbara Rupik, but also “Such a Beautiful Town” by Marta Koch.

The action of “The Little Soul”, which was awarded this weekend, takes place at the river bank, where a dead body is stuck. Its interior, torn by decay, still hides a soul – a miniature of the body of the deceased. Rotting organs part and the tiny figure struggles out. Standing on the shore, she says goodbye to her body and sets off on a journey through the posthumous land.

More information about the Slovak festival can be found here, and about the Ukrainian festival here.