The animated short by Tomek Popakul and Kasumi Ozeki scoops second prize at the Lille International Short Film Festival.

The Lille International Short Film Festival, an annual event held in the northern French city of Lille, has once again put the world’s most interesting short films in the limelight. Beyond individual screenings , the festival serves as a vibrant hub for the film community, offering workshops, panel discussions, and meetings with filmmakers, which helps exchange ideas and inspiration within the industry The event draws cinephiles with a penchant for bold, innovative filmmaking.

The awarded Zima, co-directed by Tomek Popakul and Kasumi Ozeki, presents a mosaic portrait of a small fishing village. It artfully depicts the delicate equilibrium of warm, tender care and cold, emotional cruelty that exists in the interdependence between humans, between humans and animals, and amongst animals themselves. It’s a remarkable tale of solitude and community crafted in the spirit of magical realism.

You can find the complete list of all awarded production here.