Tomek Popakul and Kasumi Ozeki's animated film captured the hearts of the Banjaluka International Animation Festival, securing top prize.

The Banjaluka International Animation Festival traces its roots to Yugoslavia’s prestigious The May Festival of Animated Film established in 1971. Today’s festival, whilst maintaining its competitive core, has evolved to encompass numerous retrospective reviews, accompanying screenings, and workshops catering to both industry professionals and enthusiasts.

The awarded Zima, co-directed by Tomek Popakul and Kasumi Ozeki, presents a mosaic portrait of a small fishing village. It artfully depicts the delicate equilibrium of warm, tender care and cold, emotional cruelty that exists in the interdependence between humans, between humans and animals, and amongst animals themselves.` It’s a remarkable tale of solitude and community crafted in the spirit of magical realism.

The list of all awarded titles is available here.