The animated film by Betina Bożek was awarded for the best sound during this year's edition of the Filmfest Dresden.

The Filmfest Dresden is one of the most important German festivals dedicated to the short film.  For 31 years, it has enjoyed enormous popularity among the audience and the film industry, to which the forum Visegrad in Short(s), which accompanies the festival, is addressed.

In the programme of the German festival, as many as eight Polish animated films are included. In addition to the award-winning “Oh, God!”  by Betina Bożek, “Bless You!” by Paulina Ziółkowska, polish coproduction “Color of November” by Tanmay Chowdhary also competed for the awards.  In addition, in the non-competing sections, you could watch the animated films; “The Other” by Marta Magnuska, “Flux” and “Dies Irae” by Joanna Jasińska Koronkiwiecz,  “Signum”  and “Fire” by Witold Giersz.

The protagonists of the award-winning film by Betina Bożek are ordinary people struggling with internal passions, awkward in expressing their feelings, who are still waiting for this true, “real fulfilment.” Spending their time on mundane, unnecessary activities, they melt in the everyday oblivion, tormented by their emotions and the need for love. Music plays, the protagonists drown in emotions and spilt drinks, while the orchestra tries to take the lead. However, the great awkwardness seems to be insurmountable.  Oh, God…

The list of all award-winners can be found here.