The animated film by Andrzej Jobczyk returned from another festival with an award. The film received the Human and Nature / Green Vision Special Mention at the Tbilisi International Animation Festival.

The Tbilisi International Animation Festival is an international event that promotes animation and the development of this genre in the Caucasus and on the international stage. The TIAF has both educational ambitions and a purely entertainment value as well. The organisers aim to build an aware audience that will recognize and appreciate the values of animation, video games, and various associated arts. In addition to animated film screenings, one can find various workshops, educational programs, meetings, conferences, and audio-visual events aimed at children and young people in the festival’s rich program.

Andrzej Jobczyk’s animated film has been invited into this year’s competition. The film left Tbilisi with a special mention.

Airborne a surreal animated film that combines the world of flying machine with the animal and plant kingdom. A fighter pilot loses track of his target and crashes. The plane crashes into a tree crown. It’s a tragedy that seems to be the end but instead opens a new chapter of the story. New life awakens at the crash site destined to uncover the mystery of its origin. Airborne is a story about passion, its roots, and what we have to lose in order to be born again.

The list of all awarded films can be found here.