The animated film by Katarzyna Miechowicz was noticed by the jury of the UP&COMING competition at the Tricky Women/Tricky Realities Festival in Austria.
The animated film by Katarzyna Miechowicz was noticed by the jury of the UP&COMING competition at the Tricky Women/Tricky Realities Festival in Austria.
This year's edition of the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival proved to be exceptionally successful for Polish cinema. The Golden Alexander went to Dominika Montean-Pańków's The Voice, while Wojciech Gostomczyk's Leon received a special mention. Another Polish project was also awarded at the Agora Thessaloniki Pitching Forum.
The film by Konrad Kultys has once again been noticed at an international festival. This time the short fiction film received an award from the Egyptian Film Critics Association at the Alexandria Short Film Festival.
Almost precisely a year after Russian troops have invaded Ukrainian territory, a special screening of Elwira Niewiera and Piotr Rosołowski's documentary will take place in New York at the prestigious Brooklyn Academy of Music. The meeting after the screening will be hosted by Maria Genkin of Razom for Ukraine.
Kacper Lisowski's film has been nominated for the Cinema For Peace awards. The winners will be announced today at the gala.
The documentary by Paweł Łoziński has been recognised by the jury of the Frozen River Film Festival in the US.
Three Polish documentaries will have their premieres at the prestigious international film festival Thessaloniki Doc Fest. The audience will see 30 Years of Excuses by Armand Urbaniak, The Voice by Dominika Montean-Pańków and God and Lunaparks’ Warriors by Bartłomiej Żmuda.
The nominations for the Polish Film Awards have just been announced. The following will compete for the title of the best Polish documentary: Angels of Sinjar by Hanna Polak, The Pawnshop by Łukasz Kowalski, The Fledglings by Lidia Duda, Silent Love by Marek Kozakiewicz and The Hamlet Syndrome by Elwira Niewiera and Piotr Rosołowski.
Another festival appreciated the documentary by the duo Elwira Niewiera and Piotr Rosołowski. This time, the production captivated the jury of the Budapest International Documentary Festival in Hungary.
The film by the duo Elwira Niewiera and Piotr Rosołowski received the audience award for the best documentary film and the Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa Award at the Trieste Film Festival.
Our KFF Sales&Promotion agency has been enriched by as many as nine new short films. Animations predominate, as there are six of them, but there is also an excellent documentary and two shorts*.
The latest animated film by Marta Magnuska was named best animated film at the Aguilar Film Festival.
The soundtrack to Zuzanna Solakiewicz's documentary was recognised at the Etnofilm festival in Slovakia.