This time the animated film by Andrzej Jobczyk was triumphant at the Piccolo Festival dell 'Animazione. It was named the best animated film in the “Green Animation” section.
This time the animated film by Andrzej Jobczyk was triumphant at the Piccolo Festival dell 'Animazione. It was named the best animated film in the “Green Animation” section.
We have barely announced that Paweł Łoziński's documentary has been longlisted, and already we can send our congratulations and keep our fingers crossed for the award itself. The film has made it to the final ten nominated for the Cinema Eye Honors Audience Choice Prize. v
The short documentary by Diana and Krzysztof Kadłubowski was honoured with a special mention at the just-concluded DocsMX festival.
Paweł Łoziński's extraordinary, universal, and award-winning film has just been nominated for the most important European film award. The winner will be announced on 10 December at a gala event held in Reykjavik.
Julia Siuda's animation has been recognised for its sound design at this year's SPASM festival.
Filmets Badalona, one of the most important Spanish film festivals, came to an end just a few days ago. The most significant awards went to Polish artists.
The list of sixteen titles on the longlist for the Cinema Eye Honors in the new Audience Choice Prize category has just been announced. Paweł Łoziński's The Balcony Movie is among the selected documentaries.
Two more excellent Polish documentaries have been included in the KFF Sales & Promotion catalogue. The agency will promote and represent new films by Natalia Koryncka-Gruz and Lidia Duda at international festivals.
Elwira Niewiera and Piotr Rosolowski's film conquered Australia and was named best documentary at the ongoing Adelaide Film Festival.
The premiere screening of Bogna Kowalczyk's film was held at the Krakow Film Festival and immediately afterwards it visited other national film events. Now the documentary has been included in the KFF Sales & Promotion catalogue. The agency will represent it at international festivals, which will undoubtedly boost its overseas career.
The film by Konrad Kultys was named the best short film of the Gáldar International Film Festival.
The subversive title and similarly subversive story have caught the jury's attention and delighted the viewers watching Julia Orlik's new film. It was the latter group that decided to present the animated film with the Audience Award at this year's CinEast.
The short fiction by Klaudia Kęska and Andrea Guizar's animated short returned from the 63. International Film Festival BRNO16 with awards. The former was appreciated by the audience and the latter by the Jury, which gave it a special mention.